Welcome to the 'verse
Just a brief announcement to kick off the blog and give you an update on the progress of the beta.
In the past couple of weeks, I've been quite busy working on the site and setting up the infrastructure for the beta. I'll resume the development in the coming days and expect a private beta to launch somewhere in September.
Meanwhile, I've published a tentative Roadmap to give you some insights about what's coming next. As you can see, it's split into 4 phases, each focusing on a different aspect of the ecosystem. That doesn't mean the development will necessarily be sequential. Some phases might overlap or be re-prioritized, depending on the feedback received.
During Phase 1 and 2, this blog will mostly be used to post announcements and present new features. Once the app is released, I intend to publish broader content about language learning and East Asian languages in particular.
In Phase 3, I plan to introduce tools to allow bloggers and teachers to write lessons that integrate with the Kanjiverse ecosystem. If you are interested in contributing or guest posting, please contact me.
And if you haven't already, don't forget to join the beta. I hope to see you there ;)