Sign in with Google / Apple

With the latest version available on both Android and iOS, you can now sign in with your Google account or Apple ID instead of the current email+password.

Sign in with Google / Apple

With the latest version available on both Android and iOS, you can now sign in with your Google account or Apple ID instead of the current email+password.

Signing in with Apple/Google will carry over everything you have in My Lists if the email address is the same.

If you prefer to continue to sign in with email, you will be asked to verify your email address first, simply follow the link in the email that will be sent to you the first time you try to sign in. The same will now be required for any new account. There is also the option to reset your password from the Sign in with Email sheet.

Happy testing :)

Detailed list of changes in v0.1.14

- adds support for Sign in with Google and Apple
- replaces Sign In buttons with branded buttons
- improves Sign in with Email security by sending a verification email
- forces old user accounts to verify their email before signing in again
- adds Reset Password link in the Sign in with Email sheet
- adds clear button in the email text field
- adds visibility button in the password text field
- fixes keyboard action "next" on Sign in with Email sheet
- Account page shows user's picture when signed in with Google
- fixes JMDict Variant text size being too small when there were hidden infrequent variants
- JMDict Variant text size adapts to the width of the screen if less than 10 characters long

Detailed list of changes in v0.1.13

- fixes preferences being reset and "choose your level" screen showing up every time the app restart
- fixes scaling issues when the user set Accessibility > Large Font in the OS Settings
- Kanji grid's number of kanji per row adapts to the Accessibility > Large Font
- shrinks long Japanese words on Word Cards so they are fully visible even when longer than 5 characters
- shows ellipsis when Part of Speech (grammar) tags overflows on Word Cards
- fixes tags in the app bar overflowing on small devices
- improves contrast on iOS with a darker background tint when Search sheet is opened
- fixes black label on filled buttons in iOS